Thursday, May 11, 2017

I want to tell you a little about myself

Hello dear friends!

My name is Vasiliy. My last name is Bodrov. I was born in the USSR (Russia) in 1984 year. I am a programmer, blogger and motorist. I have got accounts in many social networks.

Blogger (this blog) (English):

LinkedIn (Russian, English):

Facebook (Russian, English):

Twitter (Russian, English):

Instagram (Russian, English):

Github (Russian, English):

VKontakte (Russian):

Odnoklassniki (Russian):

LiveJournal (Russian):

I like to play guitar. Also I like to repair and tune cars. I really love cats and all animals in general. But the most of all I love cats. I have got several cats. I don't like a war. And I'm kind of cosmopolite.

In Myers–Briggs type indicator I'm an Intuitive Logical Extrovert (ENTP). I'm proud of it. ENTP is a fairly rare type in MBTI.

I'm a professional programmer. I like different programming languages, computer technology and I like to study a foundations of programming languages. I know quite a few programming languages, e.g.: C, C++, Linux shell (bash, sh, dash, ash, sed, awk etc), Erlang, Java, LISP (Common LISP, Scheme), JavaScript, Pascal, PHP, Assembler (x86), MS-DOS shell, Could Fusion, HTML, XHTML, HTML5, XUL, XSLT, CSS, ADA, BASIC, PL/1, Prolog, SQL, several DSL, VBA, .NET/C#, Python, Perl, Lua, Haskell, Brainfuck, Brainloller etc. But, having written the word "I know", I exaggerated a little. :) I just used these languages. However many of them I know quite well. I enjoy when I make code on C++ and Erlang! I love this languages! I just love them! And I very love GNU/Linux. Also I used many library in my work and hobby, e.g.: STL, Boost, Qt4, OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenMP, ExtJS, ExtGWT, GWT, Swing, AWT, Spring, VCL, Qt5, MFC, LibVLC, GTK, Android SDK, Nexgen TCP/IP stack, QDBus, libdbus, libxml2, Erlang/OTP, ZeroC ICE, PGQ, libcurl, Broadcom SDK, Zend Framework etc. But this doesn't mean that I know them all perfectly. I just use them at my work, hobby and for training. However many of them I know quite well. E.g. STL, Boost, Qt4 etc. I very like a functional paradigm and object-oriented programming. I enjoy programming!

I think that I told quite a lot about myself. See you later! Bye!

Best regards,
Vasiliy V. Bodrov aka Bodro,
the 11-th of May, 2017 year.

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